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Further Medical Review?

Overview of the process and how you can assist

Updated over a week ago

KINNECT may require further medical information from the Candidate's treating General Practitioner or Specialist, about a medical condition identified during the assessment.

Typically, the Candidate will have their own personal physician who is supervising their treatment and who is better equipped to provide detailed information regarding the prognosis, any future treatment that may be required, and likely impact of the condition on the person’s ability to work.

This gives the Candidate a better opportunity to provide the most accurate information regarding their treatment and gives our Doctors a more complete understanding of the Candidates health.


How does the further review process work?

  • The reviewing KINNECT Doctor will request further medical information during their initial review of the Candidate's medical results.

  • KINNECT will contact the Candidate and provide them with a referral letter to take to the GP or Specialist. The letter outlines what information we require, including details on any specific medical tests or reports required.

  • Throughout the process, we will keep you updated. For example, we will send you an update after we have contacted the Candidate and if they provide us with any details regarding scheduling an appointment with their GP or Specialist.

  • Once the Candidate provides us with the requested information, the KINNECT Doctor will perform a secondary review of their medical results in combination with the requested medical information from their GP or Specialist.


How long does the process take?

  • Due to the nature of these requests, it is difficult to provide timeframes. However, we will encourage the Candidate to secure an appointment with their GP or Specialist as soon as possible. If there is a substantial wait for this, we will advise you of this so you are well informed.

  • Once the requested medical information is provided to KINNECT, we will perform the secondary review within 1 business day.

What happens if the candidate fails to follow the requested instructions?

Unfortunately, KINNECT can only request the candidate to consult with their GP or Medical Specialist to acquire the required information, reports, or investigations. If the candidate does not adhere to this guidance, KINNECT cannot compel or pursue them to do so. This process is entirely voluntary, with the candidate assuming complete responsibility, particularly as it pertains to the diagnosis and treatment of their health condition.

What can we do as the Employer to help in this situation?

You can assist in this situation by contacting the candidate and explaining that you understand KINNECT has provided them with a referral letter to take to their Doctor, in order to obtain further information on a medical condition. Ask them to confirm they have their letter, understand what is required of them and when they will be doing this. Once you have this information, let KINNECT know so they can update this in the candidates file and be aware of timeframes and the candidate's level of willingness to participate in the process.

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