Welcome to our Help Centre! Here at KINNECT, we are dedicated to providing you with comprehensive support and valuable resources. Whether you're seeking guidance on occupational health, workplace rehabilitation, or any other services we offer, our centre is designed to assist you every step of the way. Our team of experts is ready to answer your queries and provide tailored solutions to meet your needs. Explore our range of articles, FAQs, and contact options to find the help you require.
Pre-Employment Assessments
Commonly asked questions and resources on our Pre-Employment Medical Services
41 articles
Health Surveillance
Commonly asked questions and resources on our Health Surveillance services
29 articles
Frequently Asked Questions
Commonly asked general questions about KINNECT and our services
37 articles
Important Contacts
Everyone you need to know at KINNECT
1 article
Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments
Information regarding the Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments
24 articles
Rail Health Assessments
Information on the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers
10 articles
News & Latest Updates
Stay up to date with our recent updates, new features and what's coming soon for Carelever
3 articles