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What is Health Monitoring or Health Surveillance?
What is Health Monitoring or Health Surveillance?

Demystifying Health Monitoring and Health Surveillance

Updated over a week ago

Health monitoring, also known as health surveillance, is an essential practice in the realm of occupational health and safety. It is a systematic process that aims to safeguard the well-being of workers by identifying and managing workplace-related health risks. In this article, we will delve into what health monitoring and health surveillance entail and why they are critical in various workplaces.

Health Monitoring Defined

Health monitoring, or health surveillance, is a proactive approach to protect the health and safety of workers in various industries. It involves continuous and systematic observation and assessment of employees to detect any signs of workplace-related health issues or adverse effects.

Key Elements of Health Monitoring

Risk Identification: The process begins with a comprehensive evaluation of the workplace, identifying potential hazards and health risks. These risks can include exposure to chemicals, noise, dust, biological agents, or physical hazards.

Baseline Health Assessments: Health monitoring often commences with baseline health assessments. These initial assessments establish a worker's health status before exposure to workplace hazards.

Periodic Monitoring: Regular health assessments are conducted at defined intervals, such as annually or semi-annually, depending on the nature of the workplace and the specific risks. These assessments are aimed at identifying any changes in health over time.

Exit Health Monitoring: When a worker leaves their job or is exposed to hazards, exit health monitoring may be performed to ensure they are not leaving the workplace with any adverse health effects.

Record Keeping: A crucial aspect of health monitoring is meticulous record-keeping. This documentation includes baseline health assessments, periodic monitoring results, and exit health assessments. It serves as a historical record and aids in tracking health changes over time.

The Importance of Health Monitoring

Health monitoring is of paramount importance for several reasons:

Early Detection: It allows for the early detection of any health issues resulting from workplace exposures, enabling timely interventions to protect workers' health.

Legal Compliance: Health monitoring is often a legal requirement, with employers obligated to implement programs to protect their employees and fulfill legal obligations.

Preventative Measures: The data collected through health monitoring enables employers to identify workplace hazards and implement measures to reduce exposure and prevent adverse health effects.

Worker Well-Being: Ensuring the health and safety of employees not only safeguards their well-being but also contributes to a more productive and satisfied workforce.

Who Conducts Health Monitoring?

Health monitoring is typically carried out by qualified health professionals, including occupational health nurses, medical practitioners, or specialised occupational health providers. These professionals have the expertise to conduct health assessments and interpret the results.


Health monitoring, or health surveillance, is an indispensable component of workplace safety. By systematically monitoring the health of employees, identifying potential health risks, and taking proactive measures to protect workers, employers can create a safer and healthier work environment. Compliance with legal requirements and ongoing risk management are key aspects of health monitoring programs, ensuring the well-being of workers in various industries.

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