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When is Health Surveillance required?

How do you determine if an employee requires Health Surveillance?

Updated over a week ago

Health surveillance is a critical aspect of occupational health and safety in Australian workplaces. It involves the systematic monitoring of employees' health to identify and manage workplace-related risks. But when is health surveillance required in Australian workplaces? In this article, we will explore the circumstances and regulations that dictate when health surveillance becomes a necessity.

Workplace Health and Safety Legislation

In Australia, workplace health and safety are governed by state and territory legislation. While there are variations between jurisdictions, the overarching goal is to protect the health and safety of workers. Most states and territories have adopted the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws, which are designed to create a unified and consistent approach to workplace safety across the country.

High-Risk Work Environments

Health surveillance is typically required in high-risk work environments where employees are exposed to occupational hazards. These hazards can include:

Chemical Exposure: Workers who handle or are exposed to hazardous chemicals or substances that may pose health risks may be subject to health surveillance.

Noise and Vibration: Employees exposed to high noise levels or excessive vibration, as seen in the construction or mining industries, may require health surveillance.

Respiratory Hazards: Workers who are exposed to airborne contaminants, such as dust, fumes, or biological agents, should undergo health surveillance.

Radiation Exposure: Employees in industries dealing with ionizing radiation, like healthcare or nuclear energy, may require health surveillance.

Legal Obligations

Employers have a legal duty of care to protect the health and safety of their employees. As such, they are required to identify workplace hazards and take measures to control and manage risks. Health surveillance is one of these measures, ensuring that employees are not suffering adverse health effects due to workplace exposures.

Regulatory Requirements

Specific health surveillance requirements can vary based on state or territory regulations. For example, under the model WHS laws, employers are required to implement health surveillance when there is a significant risk to workers' health. These regulations specify the types of health assessments and the frequency at which they should be conducted.

Duty to Consult

Health surveillance is often conducted in consultation with employees, and their informed consent is crucial. Workers should be informed about the reasons for health surveillance, the procedures involved, and the potential outcomes. Employers should also engage health professionals or occupational health providers to conduct the surveillance and interpret the results.

When Changes Occur

Health surveillance may be required when changes in the workplace, work processes, or materials introduce new health risks. Employers must assess the impact of these changes and, if necessary, implement health surveillance programs.


Health surveillance is a vital component of workplace safety in Australia, primarily in high-risk work environments. Employers have a legal obligation to protect the health and safety of their employees, and health surveillance is one of the tools used to achieve this. It is essential for organizations to stay informed about relevant legislation and regulations in their state or territory to ensure compliance and the well-being of their workforce.

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