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Do we need to provide the previous assessment results?
Do we need to provide the previous assessment results?

Providing Previous Health Monitoring Results: A Key Aspect of Comprehensive Health Assessments

Updated over a week ago

In the realm of workplace safety, health monitoring assessments play a crucial role in safeguarding employees' well-being. But what about an employee's previous health monitoring results? Do you need to provide them, and if so, how can it benefit the current assessment process? In this article, we will explore the significance of providing previous health monitoring results and the steps involved in ensuring access to this critical information.

Why Previous Health Monitoring Results Matter

Previous health monitoring results are more than just historical data; they are a valuable source of information that can significantly impact the effectiveness of current assessments. Here's why they matter:

Baseline for Comparison: Previous health assessment results serve as a baseline for comparison. They allow the supervising medical practitioner to evaluate any changes in the employee's health since their last assessment. Identifying deviations from the baseline is crucial for early detection of workplace-related health issues.

Customised Assessments: Armed with knowledge of an employee's health history, the supervising medical practitioner can tailor the current assessment to address specific health risks that may have developed over time. This ensures that assessments are relevant and focused on the employee's unique circumstances.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: In many instances, workplace health and safety regulations require a comparison of current results with previous assessments. Providing previous health monitoring results ensures compliance with these regulations.

Accessing Previous Health Monitoring Results

The process of accessing previous health monitoring results may vary depending on whether the employee's prior assessment was conducted by KINNECT or another provider:

Previous Health Assessment by KINNECT: If the employee's previous health assessment was conducted by KINNECT, there's no need to take any action. The supervising medical practitioner will have access to these results, ensuring a seamless comparison during the current assessment.

Previous Health Assessment by Another Provider: In cases where the employee's previous health assessment was not done by KINNECT, it is your responsibility to provide access to these results. To do this:

Upload to Carelever Monitor: If not already done during the initial implementation of Carelever Monitor, you should upload the employee's previous health monitoring results to their Carelever Monitor file. This ensures that the supervising medical practitioner can review and compare the results during the current assessment.

Benefits of Providing Previous Health Monitoring Results

By providing access to previous health monitoring results, you unlock several advantages for both the employee and the organisation:

Early Detection: It enables the early detection of any adverse health effects resulting from workplace exposures, facilitating timely interventions to protect the employee's health.

Customisation: Assessments can be customised based on changes in the employee's health, ensuring that any new risks are addressed.

Compliance: It ensures compliance with legal requirements and regulatory mandates, reducing legal risks for the organisation.

Employee Engagement: Employees appreciate assessments that are tailored to their unique circumstances, fostering greater engagement with the health monitoring process.


The provision of previous health monitoring results is a critical aspect of comprehensive health assessments in the workplace. It allows for early detection, customisation of assessments, compliance with regulations, and enhanced employee engagement. Whether the employee's previous assessment was conducted by KINNECT or another provider, ensuring that these results are accessible during the current assessment is a proactive approach to safeguarding employee health and maintaining a safe work environment.

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