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View the status of a health monitoring employee

How to view the current status of an employee in a health monitoring program.

Updated over a week ago

Within an employe's Carelever Monitor File, the Health Monitoring Overview provides a quick and easy way to understand the current status of an employee’s monitoring programs.

Here's how to view the status of a health monitoring employee

Step 1:

On your Dashboard, click on or search for the employee that you wish to view.

Step 2:

The employee's file view will appear. The Health Monitoring Overview will show all the Health Monitoring programs that employee is enrolled in.

The status of each of the employee's health monitoring programs (if they are enrolled in more than one) will display with a coloured button to help signal the current status.

This example below demonstrates all the different status types we use:

Step 3.

Any overdue items will appear in red and provide you with the Next Monitoring Requirement that needs to be requested.

Understanding the different Health Monitoring Statuses

Not Commenced

If there are no previous results uploaded to a program, the status will show as Not Commenced which flags that there is no data associated with this program in Carelever. If you are requiring action on this program, you will need to upload baseline results into the results modal or follow the “Request Assessment” process outlined below. Learn how to upload results into Carelever:


When an assessment is required, you will need to request the assessment to notify KINNECT and begin the booking process. As soon as you do this, the status will update automatically to Requested. No further action is required from you in this status. Learn how to Request an Assessment.


Once KINNECT has booked an appointment for your requested assessments, the status will change to Underway. This is to let you know that the assessment is either awaiting its appointment or the results are being processed. No further action is required from you in this status.

Incomplete Result Modal

When uploading results to Carelever, it is a requirement to provide the date of assessment, the outcome and the next test requirements. If the system registers that any of this data is missing from a results modal, the whole program for that result will be marked as Incomplete Result Modal as this information is required before an accurate status can be provided. If you notice this status after you have uploaded your own results into Carelever, please review the modals to ensure all required information is entered. If you notice this status on a program that only KINNECT has actioned, please flag this via email to for the team to investigate and rectify.


If a program does not require a scheduled next test, you can mark a result as being ‘final.’ This will remove the need to provide a next test item and clearly state this in the Overview Card as above. An example of when this may be required is at the end of certain vaccination programs, where no follow up boosters are required. If you are unsure of an assessment's next health monitoring requirement, please confirm this with KINNECT prior to entering completing the result modal. No further action is required from you in this status, unless you require another assessment in the future. Learn how to mark a program as ‘final,’.


Once results are finalised and the required next tests are confirmed, the program will display the next assessment required as well as the date it is recommended to be completed by. If the program has no next tests that are overdue (in the past), the status will show as Current. No further action is required from you in this status until the due date of the next assessment.


Once results are finalised and the required next tests are confirmed, the program will display the next assessment required as well as the date it is recommended to be completed by. If the program has next tests that are overdue (in the past), the status will show as Overdue. You are required to request the assessment prior to its due date to ensure KINNECT start the booking process.

To find out how to request an assessment, check out our Carelever Monitor Guide to Requesting an Assessment.

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