From 1st April, all Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments must be initiated in ResHealth. This includes 'Subsequent Reviews'.
Outlined below is the new process for arranging a subsequent review via ResHealth and how this interacts with KINNECT.
Key Points:
All Health Assessments MUST be initiated in ResHealth including Subsequent Reviews
Employers will need to provide key information (HA Number + AMA) to KINNECT via Carelever
It's essential that candidates/workers complete their section in ResHealth in advance of their appointments
KINNECT will not proceed with booking appointments until the worker has confirmed their have completed Section in ResHealth
The new Process
1. Find or add the employee in ResHealth. Once you've found or added the employee in ResHealth you can initiate the Subsequent HA. Make sure you note the AMA details and the HA Number as you'll need them for the next step.
2. Request an Assessment in Carelever Monitor. Check whether the employee is already in Carelever Monitor and request the assessment. If the employee is not already in Carelever Monitor you can add them and enrol them in the QLD CMWHS Monitoring program. Enter the HA Number and AMA details via the Carelever Form.
3. Employee completes their section of the HA. When you initiate the HA, it will trigger an email to the worker asking them to complete their section of the HA (previously named the Section 2).
4. Employee availability & location requested. If an appointment is required, KINNECT will contact the employee to request their availability and preferred location for their appointment and to ask for a copy of previous medical records (if they are not already in Carelever). KINNECT will send a form asking a few questions about their medical history and ask the employee to confirm whether they have completed their section of the HA. Please note, KINNECT will not proceed with booking the appointment until the worker has confirmed they have completed their section in ResHealth. This is important as it could delay the employee's appointment and results if not completed prior to their appointment.
5. Appointment scheduled. The employees appointment will be scheduled as per their availability and preferred location.
6. Review is completed. The subsequent review will be completed by the EMO and the medical records will be uploaded directly to ResHealth.
7. AMA review is completed. The AMA will then review all the medical information and complete the HA Report in ResHealth.
8. HA Report available in ResHealth. The HA report will be available to download in ResHealth. Both the employer and employee will be able to view the report.
9. Next Health Assessment Date Logged. Finally, the date of the employee's next Health Assessment and any requirements for this will be recorded in Carelever.