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Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments
Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments

Information regarding the Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments

24 articles
How to re-send the worker's HA access email
What if the Coal Mine Worker is not an Australian Resident and is coming from overseas?
Assigning KINNECT Doctors as AMA's in ResHealth.
How to Initiate a Health Assessment in ResHealth
How to complete an Employer Name Change using ResHealth
How to arrange a Subsequent Review in ResHealth
Helpful information for your Employees about ResHealth
Helpful information for your Candidates about ResHealth
What happens if an employee/candidate doesn't complete their section?
How will KINNECT handle employees caught in the transition between systems?
Overcoming challenges with employees while transitioning to ResHealth
Where can I get help with ResHealth registration?
Who pays for further medical investigations under the Coal Mine Workers Health Assessment Scheme
How to arrange a Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Assessment for ERT / Mines Rescue Personnel
How to Book a Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Assessment (CMWHS)
Understanding Fees Associated with Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments (CMWHS)
How to Submit Your Previous Coal Mine Workers Health Assessment Records to KINNECT
CMWHS Assessments - Do Pregnant Coal Mine Workers need to complete their Chest X-ray?
Understanding the Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme: A Guide for Miners
Subsequent Health Reviews for Coal Mine Workers: Understanding the Process and Responsibilities
The Pivotal Role of the Authorised Medical Advisor in the Coal Mine Workers Health Scheme
Navigating the Queensland Coal Mine Workers' Health Scheme for Emergency Response Team Members
How to request a QLD CMWHS HA Extension in Carelever Monitor
Explaining the Requirement for Repeat Spirometry Assessments in the Queensland Coal Mining Industry