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Enrolling an Employee in a Health Monitoring Program

This article explains how to enrol an employee in a Health Monitoring Program.

Updated over a week ago

Enrolling an employee in a Health Monitoring Program allows you to track and manage their ongoing health assessments via Carelever Monitor. In this article we will step you through how you can go about enrolling an employee in a new Health Monitoring Program.

Step 1:

Firstly, find or Search for the Employee that you wish to enrol and open their Monitor Referral.

Step 2:

Next, click on the 'Add Monitoring Program' button on the Quick Action Toolbar. This will turn blue when you hover over it.

Alternatively, you can use the 'Add Monitoring Program' button located on the the right-hand side of the overview.

Step 3:

Select the Monitoring Items that you want to enrol the employee in. You can select multiple items at this point.

Step 4:

Double-check your items and then hit the Green Button 'Enroll Item' to confirm on the bottom right.

Please note, this process will just enrol the items, not request an assessment for that employee.

To find out how to request an assessment, check out our Carelever Monitor Guide to Requesting an Assessment.

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