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Ceasing Monitoring for an Ex-Employee

This article explains how to cease Health Monitoring entirely for an employee who has left the business.

Updated over a week ago

When an employee leaves the business, you need to tell us to cease monitoring for that employee. Here are the steps to follow when you need to do this.

Step 1:

Find and open the file for the employee. Each monitoring item they are enrolled in will be detailed in the centre of the screen in the Overview.

Find the Health Monitoring Item that you wish to change. Use the Action button on the right hand side and select Cease Monitoring.

Step 3:

A pop-up screen will appear. Check the details to ensure they are correct.

At this point, you can include an Additional Note as to the reason that monitoring is being stopped. Please indicate here that the employee has left the business.

Step 4:

To confirm that you wish to cease monitoring, select the red button, Cease Monitoring, to confirm.

Step 5:

When an employee has left the business, you need to ensure that ALL monitoring items are stopped.

Important: You will need to ensure you repeat Steps 2-4 for each monitoring program that you wish to remove.

Once you've done that, the employee's Health Monitoring overview should show that the status of all items are grey and say Ceased like they are below.

Step 6:

To confirm that the employee's Carelever file is to be archived, the final step is to leave a Client Note stating this.

Add a Note via the Quick Action Toolbar

Click on the Pencil Icon 'Add Note' on the Quick Action Tool Bar. It will turn blue when you hover over it.

Alternatively, you can add the note in the History tab.

The Add Notes pop-up will then appear.

Step 7:

Once monitoring has stopped and a client note advising of required archiving is added, KINNECT's team will be notified and will ensure any outstanding information for the file is closed off.

The file will then be archived and the employee will no longer feature in your list of current employees.

If you want to look at the employee's file in future, you will only be able to do so by searching for 'Archived' employees. This filter option will include any employees that have ceased monitoring.

Need to just remove an item rather than stopping monitoring completely?

Check out this guide instead:

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